Next Meeting: August 5

Join me for this free monthly event for reminiscence writers. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served basis, and receive group feedback from like-minded people. Listeners welcome as well as readers.

When: First Monday of every month (except holidays), from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Where: Join us in person at the Pinney Library Community Room, 516 Cottage Grove Rd.
Free. No advance registration required. Food and beverages are welcome!

Want to see what kind of stories are shared? Visit my blog, True Stories Well Told

Fall 2024 Workshops

Intro to Guided Autobiography

In Person, offered through Madison College, 5 weeks starting September 5

Guided Autobiography (GAB) is a process pioneered by Dr. James Birren. You’ll write on life themes and share your stories in a supportive small group. You are in complete control of what they write and share; no one is pressured to read more than they are comfortable sharing with the group.

By using the Guided Autobiography method, you will do more than start writing down your memories—you will gain insights into how the events of your life have contributed to the person you are today—and may become tomorrow.

Guided Autobiography is an international movement; there are over 600 instructors around the world in a connected community. Guided Autobiography workshops are organized around a sequence of themes—topics that are common threads in the fabric of just about anyone’s life. Everyone who has participated in Guided Autobiography is eligible to submit essays to the Birren Center’s annual anthology collections.

In “Introduction to Guided Autobiography,” we cover the first four of GAB’s nine themes: Branching points, family, role of money in your life, and your major life work or career.

When: Thursday evenings 6:30-8:30, September 5, 12, 19, 26, October 3
Where: Truax-Protective Services Building
Fee: $105
To register: Follow this link or call 608.258.2301, Option 2, and register for class #35294

2024 Farm/Art DTour* Immersive Writing Retreat

Workshop“Responding to Experience: Writing the Personal Essay”

In Person, sponsored by Wormfarm Institute

4-day experience


I have enjoyed contemplating my response to the Farm/Art DTour in past years and want to share that experience with others. Explore your personal response to the site-specific artworks that dot Wormfarm Institute’s Farm/Art DTour through this immersion in a biennial event celebrating the Sauk County cultureshed.

The goal of this retreat is to immerse you in an experience worth writing about, hold space for your reflection on that experience, and guide you toward drafting a personal essay you could develop for publication or personal growth. We’ll soak in sensory experiences as we explore what the Farm/Art DTour offers.

*What’s the Farm/Art DTour? Read a description on the Wormfarm website here, or a blog post here by Linda Lenzke from 2016 on her experience on that year’s DTour.

“The tour always feels very cinematic to me. You’re in this autumn landscape, the rolling hills, the moving car—it’s more than the actual stops. It’s the restaurants and shops on the main streets of the towns, the weather, the landowners and the art installations, the roadside culture stands. They’re all celebrating the creative and cultural economy.” — Sara Daleiden, 2022 DTour artist

Who: Creative nonfiction writers are welcome to apply.
When: Thursday October 10-Sunday October 13, 2024.
Where: We’ll stay at the Abbey at Otter Creek in rural Sauk County.
What we’ll do: Tour, write, rest, play, and eat together or enjoy solo time in a spectacular setting. This small-group retreat is limited to five participants.

You’ll find all the details in the retreat brochure–download it here.

To apply, save the brochure with your last name in the filename, complete the registration form, and send it to me via email at sarah.white@firstpersonprod.com by July 15. Places will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. You will be notified of your acceptance by August 1st. After acceptance, you will receive a list of suggestions about what to bring and what to expect.

The Farm/Art DTour only happens every other year—don’t miss this!

Going Deeper with Guided Autobiography

In Person, offered through Madison College, 5 weeks starting October 17

In this workshop, participants go deeper into the Guided Autobiography (GAB) process pioneered by Dr. James Birren. You’ll write on life themes and share your stories in a supportive small group. You are in complete control of what they write and share; no one is pressured to read more than they are comfortable sharing with the group. We’ll cover several of GAB’s deeper themes: healthy/body, gender identity, experiences/ideas about death, and spiritual life and values.  The GAB method places more emphasis on self-development than writing craft. Participants should have completed “Introduction to Guided Autobiography” or a comparable workshop.

Guided Autobiography is an international movement; there are over 600 instructors around the world in a connected community. Guided Autobiography workshops are organized around a sequence of themes—topics that are common threads in the fabric of just about anyone’s life. Everyone who has participated in Guided Autobiography is eligible to submit essays to the Birren Center’s annual anthology collections.

When: Thursday evenings 6:30-8:30, October 17, 24, 31, November 7, 14
Where: Truax-Protective Srv Rm211
Fee: $105
To Register: Follow this link or call 608.258.2301, Option 2, and register for class #35296

Workshops not for you?
Try individualized memoir coaching

I help you write and share your life stories, coaching you as you write a compelling story from your memories. Throughout, I’m at your side to help you get started and stay motivated. Print-on-demand makes it possible to share your story with just a small circle or offer it to the world.

Intrigued? Got questions? I have answers! Let’s talk.